Need to complete your FinCEN report?
Pinson, Linda. Anatomy of a Business Plan: The Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Business and Securing Your Company’s Future. Out Of Your Mind . . . And Into The Market Place, 2013.
Balanko-Dickson, Greg. Tips and Traps For Writing an Effective Business Plan. McGraw-Hill, 2007.
Abrams, Rhonda. Successful Business Plan: Secrets & Strategies. The Planning Shop, 2010.
That old saw “Failing to plan is planning to fail!” is applicable here. Day-to-day business operations are primarily concerned not with questioning, but with implementing, the current business model. In contrast, it is the purpose of the business plan to facilitate, even compel, planning at a strategic level whereby that very business model is dissected, probed, examined and, thereby, improved. The vitality of every organization depends both upon getting it right at the outset and reinventing itself as the competitive environment evolves. The business plan and the process of its preparation go a long way toward ensuring success on both counts.
We would welcome the chance to apply our experience and expertise to your business opportunity. To learn more about how we may be able to assist you in meeting your business goals, click on our Home page, Areas of Practice, Contact page or call us at 717-215-9703.
Hedger & Hedger, 115 Country Club Drive, Hertford, NC 27944